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Bucharest neighborhoods: the division into sectors and history

The capital of Romania and one of the largest cities in the country, Bucharest has become home not only for natives, but also for a lot of professionals and students who came in search of a better life. Most likely, most of them did not consult the map of the neighborhoods in Bucharest before moving, nor did they ask themselves how many neighborhoods there are in Bucharest or how they are divided into sectors. 

Although we warmly recommend you to move to sector 6, which is also location chosen for our project we will present you a brief history of how the capital was divided and the component of each sector. Find out more including about sector 6, Aqua City house

Sectors in Bucharest

If you consult the map of sectors in Bucharest, at least when you are on the subway, you will notice that there are six of them. Each one benefits from a mayor and a Local Council that administers all local businesses, schools, parks, cleaning services and streets. 

Here are the neighborhoods that make up each sector separately: 

Bucharest Districts Sector 1

Sector 1 is the largest area in Bucharest and includes the districts of Aviatorilor, Aviatiei, Baneasa, Bucurestii Noi, Domenii , Damaroaia, Dorobanti, Grivita, North Station, Victoriei, Piata Romana, Floreasca, Pajura, Pipera and Primaverii.

Bucharest neighborhoods sector 2

With an area almost halved compared to sector 1, the second sector of Bucharest includes slightly fewer neighborhoods: Colentina , Pantelimon, Iancului, Tei, Floreasca, Mosilor and Vatra Luminosa.

Cartiere Bucharest sector 3

As big as sector 2, but with a slightly higher number of inhabitants, sector 3 boasts with the following neighborhoods: Dudesti, Titan, Vitan, Civic Center, Dristor, Muncii, Unirii, Balta Alba.

Bucharest neighborhood sector 4 (#######)

Slightly larger than sectors 2 and 3, sector 4 still has a smaller number of inhabitants than the previous ones. People from this sector live in Berceni, Giurgiului, Tineretului, V

Putin mai mare decat sectoarele 2 si 3, sectorul 4 are totusi un numar mai mic de locuitori decat precedentele. Oamenii din acest sector traiesc in Berceni, Giurgiului, Tineretului, Vacaresti, Timpuri Noi sau Oltenitei. 

Bucharest neighborhoods sector 5 (#######)

The smallest sector, the fifth in Bucharest, includes the neighborhoods of Ferentari, Rahova, Giurgiului, Ghencea, 13 September and Cotroceni.

Cel mai mic sector, al cincilea din Bucuresti, inglobeaza cartierele Ferentari, Rahova, Giurgiului, Ghencea, 13 Septembrie si Cotroceni.

Bucharest neighborhoods sector 6

The last sector in Bucharest, where we advise you to buy a apartment , is sector number 6. It is the second largest sector in Bucharest, both in terms of population and surface area, and includes the districts of Giulesti, Drumul Taberei, Crangasi, Miltari, Ghencea.

The history of the division of Bucharest into sectors

According to history, the first form of administrative organization known to Bucharest was that of nets, at the end of the century XVIII. More precisely, in 1898 there were five nets: Targul, Podul Mogosoaiei, Gorganul, Brostenii and Targul de fra. At the beginning of the 19th century, somewhere between 1806 and 1812, ficare received a color: red, yellow, black, green and blue. 

The smallest of the five was the Red territory, which included the commercial center and a narrow portion of the right bank of the Dambovita. It would be abolished at the beginning of the 20th century, and its territory distributed to the other four. 

After the First World War, the population of the capital grew significantly, as did the surface of the capital, and thus a town hall was established for each color. Each town hall was led by a mayor and a communal council. The person who coordinates the activity of the four colors and enters the municipal administration was the general mayor. 

The four colors became eight districts following the administrative law of 1950. They were, in order: Grivita Rosie, December 30, May 1, August 23, Tudor Vladimirescu , Nicolae Balcescu, V.I Lenin and February 16. The smallest was the 23 August district, and the largest, in terms of area, 30 December. 

It was only in 1968 that the districts became sectors and received serial numbers instead of names. In 1979, more precisely on August 1, Decree no. 284/1979 transforms the 8 sectors into 6, by merging sectors 2 and 3 and 1 and 8. 

More details about sector 6 and Aqua City

As I said above, sector 6 is the home of the Aqua City project, one of the most important residential neighborhoods in Bucharest. This sector stands out both because of its rich history and because of the density of the educational infrastructure. 

We chose to focus on the Giulesti neighborhood, located in both sector 6 and sector 1. The urban area has become very attractive for investors in recent years, and the new homes are equipped with facilities which led to the significant increase in the infrastructure of public services, and therefore in the consequence of the standard of living. 

Here we chose to build Aqua City, a residential complex that covers an area of 65,000 square meters. It is the first residential complex that provides naturally treated water at the tap of every apartment in the complex. Here it was < span style="font-weight: 400;">stage of works in June 2022

Take a look at the section gallery to discover what we are preparing for you and contact us if you have decided that your dream apartment is in Aqua City! 

We are waiting for you in our showroom in Strada Rocilor no. 12 - 16 to provide you with all the information you are interested in - availability, surfaces, compartmentalization, finishes, etc.  

In addition, we invite you to a viewing of the 3 apartments built to scale, in the showroom, or to a site visit, in block 1. Scheduling is easy , at phone number 0727 33 22 23.