Renowned partners, quality materials
For the execution of the works of the resistance structure, we chose an internationally renowned partner, Confrasilvas Cofraje, a multinational company with projects carried out on several continents. The innovative technical solutions, the formwork used, the management, the quality of the works and the numerous international certifications held by the company recommend it as the best choice and that is why we chose it for the safety of the inhabitants of Aqua City.
Let's move on to the materials used in the composition of the resistance structure. Obviously, it is important that they meet the specifications of the project and that is why we make sure that these materials are constantly tested as they are put into operation.
We choose reputable suppliers on our market, for which quality comes first.
Concrete is always produced and delivered on time. The quality control of the concrete is done by the specialized testing laboratories, equipped with modern equipment, and professionally well trained.
In short, we choose very good quality materials, we work only with suppliers who have demonstrated over time and we carefully test everything related to the strength structure. I hope this information demonstrates our concern for the comfort and safety of Aqua City residents.
Follow Eng. Chief Eugen Ionescu here talking about the resistance structure of the buildings in the Aqua City residential complex.