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OFFICIAL REGULATIONS OF THE CAMPAIGN “Win a Dacia Spring electric car”

The road home to Aqua City is electric!


1.1. The organizer of the promotional campaign, "Road to home" (hereinafter referred to as "Campaign") is the company AQUACITY DEVELOPMENT SRL, based in Bucharest Sector 6, ROCILOR Entrance, Nr. 12-16, C6, CAMERA 10, registration number at the Trade Register J40 / 5945/2019, fiscal registration code 41058409, IBAN code: RO72 OTPV 1100 0122 3974 RO01, opened at OTP BANK, represented by Rus Adrian-Ion, in as a Representative.

1.2. The campaign will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of these Official Regulations of the promotional campaign (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), which is binding on all participants. The organizer reserves the right to modify or change the Regulations by an additional act, and these changes will enter into force after prior notice of the participants, on the website , at least 2 days before the entry into force of the changes. The campaign starts on March 7, 2022.

1.3. The campaign consists of a contest in which the first 50 people who contract a 2 or 3 room apartment in block 2 of the Aqua City ensemble, starting with March 7, win a Dacia Spring electric car by drawing lots.

1.4. The campaign will be communicated to the public online through specific ppc campaigns, on the organizer's website , on the official Aqua City Facebook page, but also offline at the Bucharest Real Estate Show that will take place at the Parliament Palace during April 15-17.

1.5. The campaign takes place online and offline according to a plan that includes the following stages:

  • Starting with March 7, 2022, the contest will be promoted online, through ppc campaigns aimed at collecting data from as many people as possible interested in purchasing an apartment in Aqua City on the Landing Page the moon . The campaign will run until a shoulder of 50 Aqua City apartments will be contracted.
  • Only the first 50 people who sign a reservation contract and a promise to buy a 2 or 3-room apartment in Block 2, Aqua City, enter the competition.

  • April 15-17, 2022 represents the period in which the BUCHAREST REAL ESTATE SALON takes place where the participants in the show will be able to interact with Aqua City sales agents and will be able to register in the contest by signing a reservation contract for a 2 or 3 room apartment from block 2 of the Aqua City real estate complex.

  • After the exhaustion of the 50 apartments participating in the game, the winner will be drawn electronically, on the computer, the prize at stake being a Dacia Spring electric car. Only the first 50 people who signed a reservation contract for a 2 or 3 room apartment in Block 2, Aqua City, will start the draw.


2.1. This campaign can be attended by any natural person, domiciled in Romania, over the age of 18, except for the employees of the Organizer, of the Media Partner and of the other companies involved in the organization and development of the Campaign.

2.2. Participation in the Campaign implies full and express knowledge and acceptance of these Regulations.

2.3. Within the Campaign, by filling in the personal data on the online page:

On this page, the person who participates in the Campaign and leaves his personal data (name, email address, telephone number) expresses his express consent for the processing of personal data in order to schedule a viewing in Aqua City.

2.4. The first 50 people who signed the reservation contract and the promise to buy an apartment in Aqua City are considered active participants in the Campaign starting with March 7, 2022.


3.1. Campaign mechanism

Starting with March 7, 2022, the participants will be able to register as a result of the media campaigns carried out in this contest by signing a reservation contract and the corresponding purchase promise for a 2 or 3 room apartment in block 2 of the Aqua City residential complex. The first 50 participants will be included in an electronic draw, with the winner receiving a Dacia Spring electric car at the end. On the contest page there will be a counter that will announce weekly how many apartments are left in the game.

Only the first 50 participants who will conclude a reservation contract and, implicitly, will sign the purchase promise for the chosen apartment within the Aqua City ensemble starting with March 7, 2022, will be able to participate in the draw.

The campaign ends with the contracting of the 50 apartments participating in the game and with the finding of the winner by drawing lots. The draw will be electronic, computer-based and will take place at the Aqua City headquarters in Intrarea Rocilor 12-16, Bucharest. The winner will be contacted by phone to be notified of the award and his name will be posted on the Aqua City Facebook page. The winner will be able to take possession of the prize only if he completes the purchase by signing the sale-purchase contract. The winner will have full and permanent access to the car after the moment of signing the sale-purchase contract of the apartment.

We mention that the organizer has already started the procedure for purchasing the car that will be offered as a prize in the campaign, which will physically arrive in Romania in the second half of this year. From the moment you take possession of the car, Aqua City will ensure permanent access to the winner's car for 12 months through a loan agreement. After these 12 months, the car will be completely named after the owner. This procedure is imposed by the legislation in force for the acquisition and alienation of electric cars, respectively.

3.2. The campaign applies only to participants who have started purchasing a 2 or 3 room apartment in Block 2 within the Aqua City complex, by signing reservation contracts and / or purchase promises.

3.2.1. The minimum advance is 15% of the value of the apartment at the end of the sale-purchase promise.

3.3. The offer from the "Win a Dacia Spring electric car" campaign cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions.


3.4.1 In order to participate in this campaign, interested persons must access the online page of the campaign (hereinafter "the site") starting with March 7, 2022 and register their name. , phone number, e-mail address in the special form on the page.

3.4.2. By registering on this page, interested registrants will express their consent to the processing of their personal data which will be accessed by the Organizer.

3.4.3. After registration and only after expressing consent to the processing of personal data, the registered persons will be called by the call center operators in order to schedule a viewing within the Aqua City ensemble.

3.4.4. The organizer, through its representatives, reserves the right to invalidate accounts that obviously do not have the correct and complete contact details filled in correctly (for example, without a valid e-mail address or a valid phone number).

3.4.5. After watching, those interested will sign a reservation contract and a promise to buy an apartment in Aqua City, thus entering the draw for a Dacia Spring electric car.


4.1. The prize offered during the Campaign is a Dacia Spring electric car and is won by drawing lots ELECTRONICA, on the computer, together with the contracting of the 50 participating game apartments.

4.2. The prizes awarded cannot be replaced by other prizes or gifts, nor can its cash value be awarded.

4.3. A participant can be included several times in the electronic lottery, depending on the number of apartments they purchase. For example, if the participant buys 2 apartments, his name will appear twice in the electronic table from which the draw is made. The prize won cannot be combined with other discounts or offers.


5.1 Any misunderstandings between the Organizer and the Participants in the Campaign will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be resolved by the competent courts at the Organizer's headquarters.

5.2. The applicable law is Romanian law.


6.1. The winner enters the possession of the prize only after signing the sale-purchase contract, fulfilling all its conditions.

6.2. The campaign may be interrupted in case of force majeure or by a decision of the Organizer, determined by the impossibility to continue for reasons beyond his control. In the event of such a case, the Organizer will notify the Participants by posting the announcement on the website , 2 days before the entry into force of the change.

6.3. Information about the status of the campaign will be displayed on the website , the obligation of the participants in the promotion being to be periodically informed about the updates that appeared during the campaign, termination, extension and termination.


7.1. By communicating personal data in the manner expressly indicated by the Regulations, participants registered in the Campaign express their express and unequivocal consent for their personal data to enter the Organizer's database, in order to participate in the Campaign, order and receive vouchers with Campaign prizes, establishing a viewing in the Organizer's showroom and, as the case may be, for subsequent direct marketing activities, only in the case of persons who have given their express and unequivocal consent in this regard.

7.2. At the express request of the participants, the Organizer will ensure their right of access, right of intervention on the data and right of opposition, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data , published in M. Of. no. 790 of 12 December 2001 and the rules issued in its application, as well as with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of these data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

7.3. The Organizer is entitled to take all necessary measures in case of attempted fraud, abuse or any other such actions by a participant that could affect the image or costs of this Campaign or other participants, including the removal of that participant from the Campaign. Examples (unlimited) of cases: double registration in the Campaign or false statements.

7.4. The Official Regulations of the Campaign were published starting with March 7, 2022 on the website and will be available free of charge.